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Stanton Robbins

11 August 1915-31 August 1960

Andy Harding in baseball uniform

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Born to Bernard and Vietta (Riddle) Robbins in North Buxton, Stanton was the second youngest of seven children. A left-handed pitcher (he was described as a “classy southpaw” in the Chatham Daily News, May 15, 1946), Stanton also played in the outfield for the All-Stars. Teammate King Terrell noted he had a very strong arm, and got quite a few hits. His brother, Hyle also played on the team, and together they practiced batting alongside other neighbourhood children, such as Earl ‘Flat’ Chase who lived in North Buxton before moving to Windsor. Stanton Robbins spent the rest of his life in North Buxton.

In Other Words

"Stan Robbins, a classy southpaw is to be seen again this year on the mound.” (“Harding Nine,” 1946).
"Stanton Robbins, youthful Chatham southpaw worked magnificently for the home team through 11 torrid innings” (Calder, "Stars Get the Jump," Chatham Daily News, August 13, 1934).

“Stanton Robbins’ portside slants produced a neat bit of hurling and he had the greatest support from his mates. Robbins, as many of the baseball fans will remember used to do a nifty bit of hurling for the Colored All-Stars back in their championship ’34 year (Reekie, "Sports Review," Chatham Daily News, May 15, 1946).

“Stenton [Stanton] Robbins was a right fielder, he played right field a lot. And he had an arm about as strong as any one of the ball players on the team because he cut many a guy down from right field going into second base and third base--as nice a throw as you’d ever want to see. And he got his share of hits too.” (Harding-Milburn, "The Chatham All-Stars: An Interview with Kingsley Terrell," Polyphony 7, (1985): 111-120).




Newspapers & Government Documents

  • Jack Calder, "Stars Get the Jump," Chatham Daily News, August 13, 1934.
  • Morley Reekie, "Sports Review," Chatham Daily News, May 15, 1946.
  • Statistics Canada. "1921 Census of Canada Populations Profile for Raleigh, Ontario," District No.93, Sub-District 52
  • Family Tree Binders, Chatham-Kent Black Historical Society.

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Stanton Robbins
