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Project Team

Cartoon of Chatham players returning home to a public celebration of their victory

Research & Project Team

Miriam Wright

Miriam Wright is an Associate Professor in the History Department at the University of Windsor. She teaches and researches Canadian history, including 20th-century Canadian social history, Atlantic and Pacific coast fisheries,Chinese immigration to Newfoundland, and modernity.

Heidi Jacobs

Heidi LM Jacobs is the English and History Librarian at the University of Windsor's Leddy Library and co-director of the library's Centre for Digital Scholarship. Her research and publishing areas relate to critical librarianship, information literacy, and digital humanities.  Her first novel will be published in Spring 2019 by NeWest Press. She is also a Detroit Tigers fan.

Dave Johnston

Dave Johnston is the Scholarly Communications coordinator and co-director of the Center for Digital Scholarship at the Leddy Library. He researches a wide range of issues related to publishing and public access to research and scholarship. He is also a Detroit Tigers fan.




This project would not have been possible without the efforts, energy, and dedication of numerous talented individuals who we have been privileged to work with. We would like to thank

Ontario Trillium Foundation for their financial support and backing of this project.

Don Bruner and Mike Murphy from the Chatham Sports Hall of Fame for their enthusiasm, trust, support, encouragement, advice and for their ability to make so many things happen.

Pat and Blake Harding for introducing us to Boomer and the Chatham Coloured All-Stars, for trusting us with this project, and for welcoming us into their lives and family so fully and so warmly.

Dorothy Wright Wallace for her kindness, her faith in us, her unwavering encouragement, her encyclopedic knowledge of and infectious passion for Chatham history.

The families of the Chatham Coloured All-Stars who generously shared their memories with us: Horace Chase, Earl Chase, Jr, Shyla Chase, Fran Dungey, Blake Harding, Pat Harding, Tracey Harding, Fergie Jenkins, Jr, Andrea Levisy, Jennifer Miss, Cleata Morris, John Olbey, Gary Pryor, Douglas Talbot, Kevin Wallace, and Pauline Williams.

Lauren Miceli for her tireless and careful research assistance from the project's earliest beginnings to the final moments of website editing.

Scott Chantler (http://scottchantler.com/) for creating the gorgeous Chatham Coloured All-Stars cartoon and designing our baseball cards.

Stacie Teasdale for designing our beautiful exhibit banners and display items, building the baseball cards and for her cheerful, tireless attention to detail and perfection.

Shantelle Browning-Morgan for developing rich and engaging curricular resources.

Dan Kelly for sharing his superb and foundational research into the Chatham Coloured All-Stars with us and for finding the cassette tape interview with Boomer Harding's voice!

Cal Murgu for web assistance and technical wizardry with transcriptions and interviews.

Joy Smith et Marie-Christine Quirion, merci pour les traductions

Our team of graduate research assistants, transcribers, and interviewers: Salma Abumeeiz, Genevieve Chevalier, Dayna Cornwall, Josh Deehan, Kayla Dettinger, Meg Gregory, Deirdre McCorkindale, Candace Nast, and Alastair Staffen.

Tony Plowman at Curry Reprographics for superb banners, baseball cards, and display items.

Nancy Johns, Dianne Clinton and Megan Cornwall at Nancy Johns Gallery for beautiful work and brilliant ideas.

For invaluable assistance and support: Jeri Baldwin, Selma Conklin, Essex County Black Historical Research Society, Greg Guy, Griff Evans, Jan Foy, Dale Jacobs, Mark Malone, Samantha Meredith and Chantelle Rodriguez at the Chatham-Kent Black Historical Society, Irene Moore Davis. Blair Newby and Elizabeth Price at the Multicultural History Society of Ontario, Art Rhyno, Kenn Stanton, Natasha Wiebe.

Chatham Sports Hall of Fame

Department of History, University of Windsor

Leddy Library, University of Windsor

Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Windsor

Thank you also to all those who helped out, supported, encouraged, and believed in this project

If you have comments or suggestions about Breaking the Colour Barrier, please contact us at hardingproject@uwindsor.ca