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Displaying 781 - 810 of 811
Document Type Author Recipient Related Date Letter Origin Letter Destination Original Location Modern Edition Language Full Entry
Letter Fernando de Rojas Pantoja Tomás Tamayo de Vargas
Toledo Madrid BUSal, ms. 1695, fol. 316 Spanish view
Letter Bernardo Cabrera de Page y Gámez Lorenzo Ramírez de Prado
Córdoba Madrid BUSal, ms. 2282, fol. 3 Spanish view
Letter Bernardo Cabrera de Page y Gámez Lorenzo Ramírez de Prado
Córdoba Madrid BUSal, ms. 2282, fol. 23 Spanish view
Letter Bernardo Cabrera de Page y Gámez Lorenzo Ramírez de Prado
Córdoba Madrid BUSal, ms. 2282, fol. 114 Spanish view
Letter Bernardo Cabrera de Page y Gámez Lorenzo Ramírez de Prado
Córdoba Madrid BUSal, ms. 2282, fol. 118 Spanish view
Letter Francisco de Valderrama y Haro Lorenzo Ramírez de Prado
Granada Madrid BUSal, ms. 2289, fol. 10 Spanish view
Letter Francisco de Valderrama y Haro Lorenzo Ramírez de Prado
Granada Madrid BUSal, ms. 2289, fol. 8 Spanish view
Letter Francisco de Valderrama y Haro Lorenzo Ramírez de Prado
Granada Madrid BUSal, ms. 2289, fol. 6 Spanish view
Letter Bernabé Ramírez Lorenzo Ramírez de Prado
Burgos Madrid BUSal, ms. 2289, fol. 35 Spanish view
Letter André Cantelme Lorenzo Ramírez de Prado
Mechelen Madrid BUSal, ms. 2289, fol. 45 French view
Letter Balthasar II Moretus Lorenzo Ramírez de Prado
Antwerpen Madrid BUSal, ms. 2289, fol. 79 Latin view
Letter Juan Coello de Sandoval y Rivera (Bishop of Plasencia) Lorenzo Ramírez de Prado
Plasencia Madrid BUSal, ms. 2289, fols. 81-83 Spanish view
Letter Nicolás de Madrid Lorenzo Ramírez de Prado
El Escorial Madrid BUSal, ms. 2289, fol. 85 Spanish view
Letter Atanasio Oteyza y Olano Lorenzo Ramírez de Prado
Valladolid Madrid BUSal, ms. 2289, fol. 86 Spanish view
Letter José Malumbra Lorenzo Ramírez de Prado
Madrid BUSal, ms. 2289, fol. 87 Latin view
Letter Antonio Gómez Mateo Vázquez de Leca
Salamanca Madrid BZ, carpeta 242, fol. ? Spanish view
Letter Caspar Schoppe Juan de Fonseca y Figueroa
Roma Madrid BNE, ms. 5781, fol. 130 Latin view
Letter Sebastián Pérez Juan de Grial
Lisboa Madrid ANTT, Casa de Cadaval, n. 18, fol. 103 Spanish view
Letter Sebastián Pérez Juan de Grial
Lisboa Madrid ANTT, Casa de Cadaval, n. 18, fol. 105 Spanish view
Letter Sebastián Pérez Juan de Grial
Lisboa Madrid ANTT, Casa de Cadaval, n. 18, fol. 107 Spanish view
Letter Sebastián Pérez Juan de Grial
Madrid ANTT, Casa de Cadaval, n. 18, fol. 111 Spanish view
Letter Sebastián Pérez Juan de Grial
El Burgo de Osma Madrid ANTT, Casa de Cadaval, n. 18, fol. 113 Spanish view
Letter Sebastián Pérez Juan de Grial
El Burgo de Osma Madrid ANTT, Casa de Cadaval, n. 18, fol. 115 Spanish view
Letter Carlo Antonio Beleredo Juan de Fonseca y Figueroa
Madrid BNE, ms. 5781. fol. 141 Latin view
Letter Francisco de Calatayud Juan de Fonseca y Figueroa
Sevilla Madrid BNE, ms. 5781, fol. 142 Spanish view
Letter Francisco de Calatayud Juan de Fonseca y Figueroa
Sevilla Madrid BNE, ms. 5781, fols. 162-163 Spanish view
Letter Francisco de Calatayud Juan de Fonseca y Figueroa
Sevilla Madrid BNE, ms. 5781, fols. 171-172, 140 Spanish view
Letter Pablo Albiniano de Rajas Juan de Fonseca y Figueroa
Valencia Madrid BNE, ms. 5781, fols. 160-161 Latin view
Letter Juan de Torres Alarcón Juan de Fonseca y Figueroa
Sevilla Madrid BNE, ms. 5781, fols. 166-169 Spanish view
Letter Juan de Torres Alarcón Juan de Fonseca y Figueroa
Sevilla Madrid BNE, ms. 5781, fols. 173-174 Spanish view