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Displaying 541 - 551 of 551
Document Type Author Recipient Related Date Letter Origin Letter Destination Original Location Modern Edition Language Full Entry
Letter Carlo Gualteruzzi Giovanni Della Casa
Roma Venezia BAV, Vat. Lat. 14836, fols. 135-136 Ornella Moroni (ed.), Corrispondenza Giovanni Della Casa - Carlo Gualteruzzi (... Italian view
Dedication Fulvio Orsini Antonio Carafa
Roma Roma Fulvio Orsini (ed.), Notae ad M. Catonem, M. Varronem, L. Columellam De re rustica, Roma, 1587, fols. I-VIr Latin view
Letter Fulvio Orsini Antonio Carafa
Roma Roma BAV, Reg. Lat. 2023, fol. 385r Italian view
Dedication Andrés Laguna Julius III
Roma Andrés Laguna, De articulari morbo commentarius, Roma, 1551, fols. 2-4r Latin view
Dedication Andrés Laguna Marino Spinello
Roma Andrés Laguna, Methodus cognoscendi, extirpadique excrescentes in vesicae collo carunculus, Roma, 1551, fols. 2-4 Latin view
Letter Napoleone Comitoli Federico Ranaldi
Roma Roma BAV, Reg. Lat. 2023, fol. 120r Italian view
Letter Latino Latini Giovanni Battista Bandini
Roma Pisa BAV, Vat. Lat. 6201, fol. 247r Italian view
Letter Latino Latini Giovanni Battista Bandini
Roma Pisa BAV, Vat. Lat. 6201, fol. 304r Italian view
Letter Latino Latini Giovanni Battista Bandini
Roma Pisa BAV, Vat. Lat. 6201, fol. 303r Italian view
Dedication Ercole Ciofano Paul Uchanski
Roma Roma Ercole Ciofano, In P. Ovidii Nasonis fastorum libros observationes, Anvers, 1581, p. 3-6 Latin view
Dedication Costantino Gaetano Philip III
Roma Costantino Gaetano, Sanctorum trium episcoporum religionis Benedictinae luminum, Isidori Hispalens., Ildefonsi Tolet., Gregorii card. Ost., vitae et actiones, Roma, 1606, fols. I-VIr Latin view