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Displaying 1 - 7 of 7
Document Type Author Recipient Related Date Letter Origin Letter Destination Original Location Modern Edition Language Full Entry
Letter Juan de Ovando Benito Arias Montano
Madrid Nijmegen IVDJ, envío 78, doc. 22, fol. 110 Baldomero Macías Rosendo, La correspondencia de Benito Arias Montano con el... Spanish view
Letter Juan de Ovando Benito Arias Montano
Madrid Nijmegen IVDJ, envío 78, docs. 20 and 20 bis, fols. 107 and 108 Baldomero Macías Rosendo, La correspondencia de Benito Arias Montano con el... Spanish view
Letter Benito Arias Montano Juan de Albornoz
Antwerpen Nijmegen AZ, carpeta 212-14 Spanish view
Letter Christophe Plantin Pierre Simoens
Antwerpen Ypres MPM, Arch. 10, fol. 145 Jean Denucé, Correspondance de Christophe Plantin, Antwerpen, 1918, vol. 8-9, p... Latin view
Letter Christophe Plantin Pierre Simoens
Antwerpen Ypres MPM, Arch. 10, fol. 147v Jean Denucé, Correspondance de Christophe Plantin, Antwerpen, 1918, vol. 8-9, p... Latin view
Letter Christophe Plantin Pierre Simoens
Antwerpen Ypres MPM, Arch. 10, fol. 213 Jean Denucé, Correspondance de Christophe Plantin, Antwerpen, 1918, vol. 8-9, p... Latin view
Letter Justus Lipsius Hieronymus van Berchem
Leuven Ypres UBLeiden, ms. Lips. 3 (8), fol. 18 Hugo Peeters (ed.), Iusti Lipsi Epistolae. Pars IX: 1596, Leuven, Peeters, 2019... Latin view