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Displaying 1 - 30 of 46
Document Type Author Recipient Related Date Letter Origin Letter Destination Original Location Modern Edition Language Full Entry
Letter Gilbert Génébrard Benito Arias Montano
Paris Antwerpen KBS, ms. A 902, fols. 61-62 Baldomero Macías Rosendo, La Biblia Políglota de Amberes en la correspondencia... Latin view
Letter Gilbert Génébrard Christophe Plantin
Paris Antwerpen KBS, ms. A 902, fol. 99 Baldomero Macías Rosendo, La Biblia Políglota de Amberes en la correspondencia... French view
Letter Rodrigo Manrique Juan Luis Vives
Paris Brugge University of Wrocław, ms. Rehd. 2780, n. 3/138 Henry de Vocht, "Monumenta Humanistica Lovaniensia: Texts and studies... Latin view
Letter Christophe Plantin Benito Arias Montano
Paris Aracena MPM, Arch. 8, fol. 235 Antonio Dávila Pérez (ed.), Benito Arias Montano. Correspondencia conservada en... Latin view
Letter Claude Dupuy Gian Vincenzo Pinelli
Paris Padova Bib. Amb., ms. G 77 inf., fols. 71-75r Anna Maria Raugei (ed.), Gian Vincenzo Pinelli et Claude Dupuy. Une... French view
Letter Claude Dupuy Gian Vincenzo Pinelli
Paris Padova Bib. Amb., ms. T 167 sup., fol. 251 Anna Maria Raugei (ed.), Gian Vincenzo Pinelli et Claude Dupuy. Une... French view
Letter Claude Dupuy Gian Vincenzo Pinelli
Paris Padova Bib. Amb., ms. T 167 sup., fol. 250r Anna Maria Raugei (ed.), Gian Vincenzo Pinelli et Claude Dupuy. Une... French view
Letter Claude Dupuy Gian Vincenzo Pinelli
Paris Padova Bib. Amb., ms. T 167 sup., fol. 242 Anna Maria Raugei (ed.), Gian Vincenzo Pinelli et Claude Dupuy. Une... French view
Letter Claude Dupuy Gian Vincenzo Pinelli
Paris Padova Bib. Amb., ms. T 167 sup., fol. 223r Anna Maria Raugei (ed.), Gian Vincenzo Pinelli et Claude Dupuy. Une... French view
Letter Claude Dupuy Gian Vincenzo Pinelli
Paris Padova Bib. Amb., ms. T 167 sup., fol. 218r Anna Maria Raugei (ed.), Gian Vincenzo Pinelli et Claude Dupuy. Une... French view
Letter Claude Dupuy Gian Vincenzo Pinelli
Paris Padova Bib. Amb., ms. T 167 sup., fol. 217 Anna Maria Raugei (ed.), Gian Vincenzo Pinelli et Claude Dupuy. Une... French view
Letter Claude Dupuy Gian Vincenzo Pinelli
Paris Padova Bib. Amb., ms. T 167 sup., fols. 209-212r Anna Maria Raugei (ed.), Gian Vincenzo Pinelli et Claude Dupuy. Une... French view
Letter Claude Dupuy Gian Vincenzo Pinelli
Paris Padova Bib. Amb., ms. G 77 inf., fols. 67-70r Anna Maria Raugei (ed.), Gian Vincenzo Pinelli et Claude Dupuy. Une... French view
Letter Claude Dupuy Gian Vincenzo Pinelli
Paris Padova Bib. Amb., ms. G 77 inf., fols. 25-27r Anna Maria Raugei (ed.), Gian Vincenzo Pinelli et Claude Dupuy. Une... French view
Letter Jacques-Auguste de Thou Georg Michael Lingelsheim
Paris Heidelberg Jacques-Auguste de Thou, Historiarum sui temporis, London, 1733, vol. 7, pars... Latin view
Letter Jacques-Auguste de Thou Christophe Dupuy
Paris Roma Jacques-Auguste de Thou, Historiarum sui temporis, London, 1733, vol. 7, pars I... French view
Letter Jacques-Auguste de Thou Christophe Dupuy
Paris Roma Jacques-Auguste de Thou, Historiarum sui temporis, London, 1733, vol. 7, pars I... French view
Letter Jacques-Auguste de Thou Christophe Dupuy
Paris Roma Jacques-Auguste de Thou, Historiarum sui temporis, London, 1733, vol. 7, pars I... French view
Letter Jacques-Auguste de Thou Christophe Dupuy
Paris Roma Jacques-Auguste de Thou, Historiarum sui temporis, London, 1733, vol. 7, pars I... French view
Letter Jacques-Auguste de Thou Christophe Dupuy
Paris Roma Jacques-Auguste de Thou, Historiarum sui temporis, London, 1733, vol. 7, pars I... French view
Letter Jacques-Auguste de Thou Christophe Dupuy
Paris Roma Jacques-Auguste de Thou, Historiarum sui temporis, London, 1733, vol. 7, pars I... French view
Letter Jacques-Auguste de Thou Christophe Dupuy
Paris Roma Jacques-Auguste de Thou, Historiarum sui temporis, London, 1733, vol. 7, pars I... French view
Letter Jacques-Auguste de Thou Joseph Juste Scaliger
Paris Leiden Jacques de Reves (ed.), Epistres françoises des personnages illustres et doctes à Mons. Joseph Juste de la Scala, Amsterdam, 1624, p. 503-505 Paul Botley - Dirk van Miert (eds.), The Correspondence of Joseph Justus... French view
Letter Jacques Gillot Joseph Juste Scaliger
Paris Leiden Jacques de Reves (ed.), Epistres françoises des personnages illustres et doctes à Mons. Joseph Juste de la Scala, Amsterdam, 1624, p. 261-263 Paul Botley - Dirk van Miert (eds.), The Correspondence of Joseph Justus... French view
Letter Isaac Casaubon Luis Tribaldos de Toledo
Paris Madrid Raphael Torius (ed.), Isaaci Casauboni epistolae, The Hague, 1638, p. 659-660 Latin view
Letter Isaac Casaubon Lorenzo Ramírez de Prado
Paris Salamanca BUSal, ms. 2598, fols. 90v-91r Juan Ramón Ballesteros Sánchez, "Dos cartas neolatinas inéditas entre los... Latin view
Letter Isaac Casaubon Joseph Juste Scaliger
Paris Leiden Raphael Thorius (ed.), Isaaci Casauboni epistolae, The Hague, 1638, p. 561-563 Paul Botley - Dirk van Miert (eds.), The Correspondence of Joseph Justus... Latin view
Letter Nicolas-Claude Fabri de Peiresc Jan Caspar Gevaerts
Paris Antwerpen BRB, ms. 9589 (5989 ?), p. 114 Max Rooses - Charles Ruelens (eds.), Codex Diplomaticus Rubenianus.... French view
Letter Nicolas-Claude Fabri de Peiresc Girolamo Aleandro
Paris Roma Bibliothèque Inguimbertine de Carpentras, ms. 1871, fols. 127v-128r Jean-François Lhote - Danielle Joyal (eds.), Correspondance de Peiresc et... Italian view
Letter Nicolas-Claude Fabri de Peiresc Girolamo Aleandro
Paris Roma BAV, Barb. Lat. 6504, fol. 18-19r Jean-François Lhote - Danielle Joyal (eds.), Correspondance de Peiresc et... Italian view