
Tips on improving your search results. Use the fulltext search bar at the top of the table to query by a particular name. Fulltext search will scan the author, recipient, and related fields for the particular search term. This method is ideal for searching for the entire presence of an individual within this data-set (letters authored, letters received, and mentions within the text). Note that at the moment fulltext searching is rather unforgiving (case and accent sensitive).

Displaying 91 - 98 of 98
Document Type Author Recipient Related Date Letter Origin Letter Destination Original Location Modern Edition Language Full Entry
Letter Johannes Dantiscus Bona Sforza (Queen of Poland)
Valladolid Krakow Biblioteka Czartoryskich, Krakow, ms. 242, p. 18-20 Stanislaw Gorski (ed.), Acta Tomiciana, Poznan, 1927 (1st ed., 1876), vol. 9, p... Latin view
Letter Johannes Dantiscus Krzysztof Szydlowiecki
Valladolid Biblioteka Czartoryskich, Krakow, ms. 242, p. 211 Stanislaw Gorski (ed.), Acta Tomiciana, Poznan, 1927 (1st ed., 1876), vol. 9, p... Latin view
Letter Alonso de Fonseca III (Archbishop of Toledo) Desiderius Erasmus
Valladolid Basel BNE, ms. 17460, fol. 20 P. S. Allen (ed.), Opus epistolarum Des. Erasmi Roterodami, Oxford, 1928, vol.... Latin view
Letter Gaspar Gutiérrez de los Ríos Lorenzo Ramírez de Prado
Valladolid Madrid BUSal, ms. 2598, fols. 19v-20r Latin view
Letter Miguel Vázquez de Padilla Lorenzo Ramírez de Prado
Valladolid BUSal, ms. 2598, fol. 32r Latin view
Letter Miguel de la Cerda Lorenzo Ramírez de Prado
Valladolid Salamanca BUSal, ms. 2598, fol. 61 Latin view
Letter Juan Antonio Velázquez Lorenzo Ramírez de Prado
Valladolid Madrid BUSal, ms. 2282, fol. 144 Spanish view
Letter Atanasio Oteyza y Olano Lorenzo Ramírez de Prado
Valladolid Madrid BUSal, ms. 2289, fol. 86 Spanish view