
Tips on improving your search results. Use the fulltext search bar at the top of the table to query by a particular name. Fulltext search will scan the author, recipient, and related fields for the particular search term. This method is ideal for searching for the entire presence of an individual within this data-set (letters authored, letters received, and mentions within the text). Note that at the moment fulltext searching is rather unforgiving (case and accent sensitive).

Displaying 1 - 5 of 5
Document Type Author Recipient Related Date Letter Origin Letter Destination Original Location Modern Edition Language Full Entry
Letter Johannes Sambucus Paolo Manuzio
Genoa Roma BAV, Vat. Lat. 3434, fol. 60 Hans Gerstinger, Die briefe des Johannes Sambucus (Zsamboky), 1554-1584, Wien,... Latin view
Letter Johannes Sambucus Benito Arias Montano
Wien Antwerpen KBS, ms. A 902, fol. 168 Baldomero Macías Rosendo, La Biblia Políglota de Amberes en la correspondencia... Latin view
Letter Johannes Sambucus Hugo Blotius
Venezia Wien ÖNB, Cod. Lat. 9737z, 14 V 257 Hans Gerstinger, Die briefe des Johannes Sambucus (Zsamboky), 1554-1584, Vienna... Latin view
Letter Johannes Sambucus Abraham Ortelius
Wien Antwerpen BRB, ms. III 936, n. 25 Jan Hendrick Hessels, Epistulae Ortelianae, Cambridge, Cambridge University... Latin view
Letter Johannes Sambucus Stephanus Pighius
Wien Ferrara Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek, Hamburg, Sup. ep. (4o), 7 fol. 184v ; AGR, Cart & Man 187, n. 259 Henry de Vocht, Stephani Vinandi Pighii Epistolarum, Leuven, 1959, p. 359-360... Latin view