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Displaying 1 - 23 of 23
Document Type Author Recipient Related Date Letter Origin Letter Destination Original Location Modern Edition Language Full Entry
Letter Juan Maldonado Diego Osorio
Burgos BNE, ms. 11277, fols. 167-168r Latin view
Letter Juan Maldonado Diego Osorio
1523 ?
Burgos BNE, ms. 11277, fol. 168 Latin view
Letter Juan Maldonado Diego Osorio
1523 ?
Burgos ? BNE, ms. 11277, fol. 169r Latin view
Letter Johannes Dantiscus Krzysztof Szydlowiecki
Valladolid Biblioteka Czartoryskich, Krakow, ms. 242, p. 211 Stanislaw Gorski (ed.), Acta Tomiciana, Poznan, 1927 (1st ed., 1876), vol. 9, p... Latin view
Letter Philipp Melanchthon Martin Luther
Augsburg Coburg Johanna Loehr (ed.), Melanchthons Briefwechsel, Stuttgart - Bad Cannstatt,... Latin view
Letter Philipp Melanchthon Martin Luther
Augsburg Coburg Johanna Loehr (ed.), Melanchthons Briefwechsel, Stuttgart - Bad Cannstatt,... Latin view
Letter Juan Páez de Castro Giulio Alexandrino
Trento RBME, ms. &.IV.22, fol. 230r Arantxa Domingo Malvadi, Bibliofilia humanista en tiempos de Felipe II. La... Spanish view
Letter Alvar Gómez de Castro Alfonso García Matamoros
Toledo Alcalá de Henares BNE, ms. 8624, fol. 58 ; BNE, ms. 13008, fols. 126-127r Latin view
Letter Florián de Ocampo Juan Galarza
RAH, ms. 11/8167, n. 16 Spanish view
Letter Florián de Ocampo Juan Galarza
Zamora BNE, ms. 5938, fols. 144-145r Francisco Valerio Cifuentes, Opúsculos castellanos de Ambrosio de Morales,... Spanish view
Letter Ambrosio de Morales Alfonso Chacón
Alcalá de Henares Sevilla BCC, ms. 56-4-8, fols. 98v-100r Francisco Valerio Cifuentes, Opúsculos castellanos de Ambrosio de Morales,... Spanish view
Letter Ambrosio de Morales Alfonso Chacón
Alcalá de Henares Sevilla BCC, ms. 56-4-8, fols. 100-102 Francisco Valerio Cifuentes, Opúsculos castellanos de Ambrosio de Morales,... Spanish view
Letter Ambrosio de Morales Alfonso Chacón
Alcalá de Henares Sevilla BCC, ms. 56-4-8, fols. 103-104 Francisco Valerio Cifuentes, Opúsculos castellanos de Ambrosio de Morales,... Spanish view
Letter Jerónimo Zurita Talvio Tolomei
Madrid RAH, ms. 9/113, fols. 188-189 Spanish view
Letter Pedro Chacón Pedro Vélez de Guevara
Roma Sevilla University of Copenhagen, Arnamagnaean Collection, ms. 253 2o, fols. 1-3 Emile Gigas, "Lettres inédites de quelques savants espagnols du XVIe... Spanish view
Letter Joseph Juste Scaliger Jean Monluc
Abain Lyon Joseph Scaliger (ed.), M. Verrii Flacci quae extant et Sex. Pompei Festi de verborum significatione libri XX, Genève, 1575, fols. 2-4 Paul Botley - Dirk van Miert (eds.), The Correspondence of Joseph Justus... Latin view
Letter Giovanni Battista Trionfo Alfonso Chacón
Roma Roma Biblioteca Communale Federiciana (Fano), ms. Amiani 81, fol. 348 Ingo Herklotz, "Alfonso Chacón e le gallerie dei ritratti nell'età... Latin view
Letter Latino Latini Alfonso Chacón
Roma Roma Latino Latini, Epistolae, conjecturae et observtiones sacra, profanaque eruditione ornatae, Roma, 1667, vol. II, p. 194-195 Latin view
Letter Justus Lipsius Alfonso Chacón
Liège Roma UBLeiden, ms. Lips. 3 (10), fol. 1v ; Justus Lipsius, Epistolarum selectarum centuria singularis ad Italos et Hispanos, Antwerpen, 1601, p. 5-6 Alejandro Ramírez, Epistolario de Justo Lipsio y los Españoles (1577-1606),... Latin view
Letter Diego Gracián de Alderete Doctor Bernaldo
ACA, caja 136, n. 26, fol. 32r Milagros Ezquerro, Diego Gracián de Alderete, Ph. D. dissertation, Université... Latin view
Letter Lorenzo Ramírez de Prado García Pérez de Araciel
Salamanca BUSal, ms. 2598, fol. 54 Latin view
Letter Lorenzo Ramírez de Prado García Pérez de Araciel
Salamanca BUSal, ms. 2598, fols. 56v-57r Latin view
Letter Lorenzo Ramírez de Prado García Pérez de Araciel
Salamanca BUSal, ms. 2598, fols. 64v-65r Latin view