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Displaying 1 - 30 of 46
Document Type Author Recipient Related Date Letter Origin Letter Destination Original Location Modern Edition Language Full Entry
Letter Vicente Mariner André Schott
Madrid Antwerpen BNE, ms. 9813, fols. 572-573r Greek-Latin view
Letter Vicente Mariner André Schott
Madrid Antwerpen BNE, ms. 9810, fol. 42v Latin view
Letter Vicente Mariner André Schott
Madrid Antwerpen BNE, ms. 9807, p. 377-378 Latin view
Letter Vicente Mariner André Schott
Madrid Antwerpen BNE, ms. 9807, p. 158-159 Latin view
Letter Vicente Mariner André Schott
Madrid Antwerpen BNM, ms. 9807, p. 106-109 Latin view
Letter Vicente Mariner André Schott
Madrid Antwerpen BNE, ms. 9806, p. 848-851 Latin view
Letter Vicente Mariner André Schott
Madrid Antwerpen BNE, ms. 9813, fols. 673-674 Latin view
Letter Vicente Mariner André Schott
Madrid Antwerpen BNE, ms. 9806, p. 943 Latin view
Letter Vicente Mariner André Schott
Madrid Antwerpen BNE, ms. 9807, p. 266-267 Latin view
Letter Vicente Mariner André Schott
Madrid Antwerpen BNE, ms. 9807, p. 395-396 Latin view
Letter Vicente Mariner André Schott
Madrid Antwerpen BNE, ms. 9807, p. 318-319 Latin view
Letter Vicente Mariner André Schott
Madrid Antwerpen BNE, ms. 9807, p. 420-421 Latin view
Letter Vicente Mariner André Schott
Madrid Antwerpen BNE, ms. 9807, p. 338-340 Latin view
Letter Vicente Mariner André Schott
Madrid Antwerpen BNE, ms. 9807, p. 174-176 Latin view
Letter Abraham Ortelius Carolus Clusius
Antwerpen Frankfurt UBLeiden, ms. Vulc. 101 F. W. T. Hunger, "Vier onuitgegeven brieven van Abraham Ortelius aan... Latin view
Letter Vicente Mariner Francisco de Quevedo
Madrid Vicente Mariner, Iuliani Caesaris in regem solem ad Salustium panegyricus, Madrid, 1625, fol. ? Luis Astrana Marín (ed.), Epistolario completo de Francisco de Quevedo-Villegas... Latin view
Letter Abraham Ortelius Johannes Crato von Krafftheim
Antwerpen Wien F. X. de Ram, Caroli Clusii Atrebatis ad Thomam Redigerum et Joannem Cratonem... Latin view
Letter Abraham Ortelius Johannes Crato von Krafftheim
Antwerpen Wien F. X. de Ram, Caroli Clusii Atrebatis ad Thomam Redigerum et Joannem Cratonem... Latin view
Letter Abraham Ortelius Johannes Crato von Krafftheim
Antwerpen Wien F. X. de Ram, Caroli Clusii Atrebatis ad Thomam Redigerum et Joannem Cratonem... Latin view
Letter Abraham Ortelius Johannes Crato von Krafftheim
Antwepren Wrocław F. X. de Ram, Caroli Clusii Atrebatis ad Thomam Redigerum et Joannem Cratonem... Latin view
Letter Abraham Ortelius Johannes Crato von Krafftheim
Antwerpen Wrocław F. X. de Ram, Caroli Clusii Atrebatis ad Thomam Redigerum et Joannem Cratonem... Latin view
Letter Abraham Ortelius Johannes Crato von Krafftheim
Antwerpen Wien F. X. de Ram, Caroli Clusii Atrebatis ad Thomam Redigerum et Joannem Cratonem... Latin view
Letter Abraham Ortelius Johannes Crato von Krafftheim
Antwerpen Wien F. X. de Ram, Caroli Clusii Atrebatis ad Thomam Redigerum et Joannem Cratonem... Latin view
Letter Abraham Ortelius Johannes Crato von Krafftheim
Antwerpen Wien F. X. de Ram, Caroli Clusii Atrebatis ad Thomam Redigerum et Joannem Cratonem... Latin view
Letter Abraham Ortelius Justus Lipsius
Antwerpen Leuven MPM, Arch. 95, fols. 160-161 Jeanine de Landtsheer - Jacques Kluysens (ed.), Iusti Lipsi Epistolae. Pars V:... Latin view
Dedication Abraham Ortelius Christophe Plantin
Antwerpen Abraham Ortelius, Thesaurus geographicus, Antwerpen, 1587, fol. 3 Jean Denucé, Correspondance de Christophe Plantin, Antwerpen, 1918, vol. 8-9, p... Latin view
Letter Vicente Mariner Erycius Puteanus
Madrid Leuven BNE, ms. 9813, fol. 571 Greek-Latin view
Letter Vicente Mariner Erycius Puteanus
Madrid Leuven BRB, ms. 19110, n. f. Latin view
Letter Vicente Mariner Juan de Peralta
Madrid El Escorial RBME, ms. Gr. R-III-7, fols. 4-8 Gregorio de Andrés, "De martyribus Palaestinae et collectio antiquorum... Latin view
Letter Vicente Mariner Johannes Meursius
Madrid Sorø Giovanni Lami (ed.), Johannes Meursius, Opera omnia, Firenze, 1752, vol. 11,... Latin view