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Displaying 31 - 60 of 551
Document Type Author Recipient Related Date Letter Origin Letter Destination Original Location Modern Edition Language Full Entry
Letter Giulio Cesare Stella García de Loaysa
Roma BNE, ms. 5785, fols. 60-61 Latin view
Letter Giovanni Battista Trionfo Alfonso Chacón
Roma Roma Biblioteca Communale Federiciana (Fano), ms. Amiani 81, fol. 348 Ingo Herklotz, "Alfonso Chacón e le gallerie dei ritratti nell'età... Latin view
Letter Marcello Cervini Honorato Juan
Roma Valladolid BL, ms. Add. 10248 ? ; Antonio Juan de Centellas, Elogios del ilustrissimo y eruditissimo varon don Honorato Juan, Valencia, 1649, p. 31 Francisco Cerdá y Rico (ed.), Gaspar Gil Polo, La Diana enamorada. Cinco libros... Latin view
Letter Marcello Cervini Guglielmo Sirleto
Roma Roma BAV, Vat. Lat. 6177, fols. 131-132 view
Letter Marcello Cervini Guglielmo Sirleto
Roma Roma BAV, Vat. Lat. 6177, fols. 127-128 view
Letter Christophe Dupuy Jacques-Auguste de Thou
Roma Paris BNF, ms. Dupuy 806, fols. 56-57 Alfred Soman, De Thou and the Index : Letters from Christophe Dupuy (1603-1607... French view
Letter Christophe Dupuy Jacques-Auguste de Thou
Roma Paris BNF, ms. Dupuy 806, fols. 58-59 Alfred Soman, De Thou and the Index : Letters from Christophe Dupuy (1603-1607... French view
Letter Christophe Dupuy Jacques-Auguste de Thou
Roma Paris BNF, ms. Dupuy 806, fols. 19-20 Alfred Soman, De Thou and the Index : Letters from Christophe Dupuy (1603-1607... French view
Letter Christophe Dupuy Jacques-Auguste de Thou
Roma Paris BNF, ms. Dupuy 806, fols. 26-27 Alfred Soman, De Thou and the Index : Letters from Christophe Dupuy (1603-1607... French view
Letter Pierre Morin Francisco de Toledo
Roma Roma Pierre Morin, Opuscula et epistolae, Paris, 1675, p. 346-351 Latin view
Letter Pierre Morin Silvio Antoniano
Roma Roma Pierre Morin, Opuscula et epistolae, Paris, 1675, p. 365-370 Latin view
Letter Pierre Morin Sixtus Quintus
Roma Roma Pierre Morin, Opuscula et epistolae, Paris, 1675, p. 303-312 Latin view
Letter Pierre Morin Francisco de Toledo
Roma Roma Pierre Morin, Opuscula et epistolae, Paris, 1675, p. 354-356 Latin view
Letter Cesare Baronio Jerónimo Blancas
Roma Zaragoza BPR, ms. II/2245, fol. 113v Latin view
Letter Antonio Barba Gabriel de Zayas
Roma Madrid AGS Tomás González Carvajal, Elogio histórico del doctor Benito Arias Montano,... Spanish view
Letter Antonio Barba Gabriel de Zayas
Roma Madrid AGS Tomás González Carvajal, Elogio histórico del doctor Benito Arias Montano,... Spanish view
Letter Antonio Barba Gabriel de Zayas
Roma Madrid AGS Tomás González Carvajal, Elogio histórico del doctor Benito Arias Montano,... Spanish view
Letter Claude-François Ménestrier Nicolas-Claude Fabri de Peiresc
Roma Aix-en-Provence BNF, ms. Fr. 9544, fol. 189 Philippe Tamizey de Larroque, Lettres de Peiresc, Paris, 1894, vol. 5, p. 520-... French view
Letter Lucas Holstenius Nicolas-Claude Fabri de Peiresc
Roma Aix-en-Provence Jean-François Boissonade (ed.), Lucae Holstenii epistolae ad diversos, Paris,... Latin view
Letter Lucas Holstenius Nicolas-Claude Fabri de Peiresc
Roma Aix-en-Provence Jean-François Boissonade (ed.), Lucae Holstenii epistolae ad diversos, Paris,... Latin view
Letter Lucas Holstenius Nicolas-Claude Fabri de Peiresc
Roma Aix-en-Provence Jean-François Boissonade (ed.), Lucae Holstenii epistolae ad diversos, Paris,... Latin view
Letter Lucas Holstenius Nicolas-Claude Fabri de Peiresc
Roma Aix-en-Provence Jean-François Boissonade (ed.), Lucae Holstenii epistolae ad diversos, Paris,... Latin view
Letter Lucas Holstenius Nicolas-Claude Fabri de Peiresc
Roma Aix-en-Provence Jean-François Boissonade (ed.), Lucae Holstenii epistolae ad diversos, Paris,... Latin view
Letter Philips van Winghe Abraham Ortelius
Roma Antwerpen BRLeiden, ms. BPL 2726 Jan Hendrick Hessels, Epistulae Ortelianae, Cambridge, Cambridge University... Latin view
Letter Francisco Pacheco de Toledo (Bishop of Burgos) Benito Arias Montano
Roma Antwerpen KBS, ms. A 902, fols. 72-74 Baldomero Macías Rosendo, La Biblia Políglota de Amberes en la correspondencia... Spanish view
Letter Ottavio Pantagato Onofrio Panvinio
Roma Venezia Bib. Amb., ms. D. 501 Inf., fol. 72r Antònia Soler i Nicolau, La correspondència d'Ottavio Pantagato (1494-1567... Italian view
Letter Ottavio Pantagato Onofrio Panvinio
Roma Venezia Bib. Amb., ms. D. 501 Inf., fol. 54 Antònia Soler i Nicolau, La correspondència d'Ottavio Pantagato (1494-1567... Italian view
Letter Ottavio Pantagato Onofrio Panvinio
Roma Venezia Bib. Amb., ms. D. 501 Inf., fol. 81r Antònia Soler i Nicolau, La correspondència d'Ottavio Pantagato (1494-1567... Italian view
Letter Ottavio Pantagato Onofrio Panvinio
Roma Venezia Bib. Amb., ms. D. 501 Inf., fol. 78r Antònia Soler i Nicolau, La correspondència d'Ottavio Pantagato (1494-1567... Italian view
Letter Ottavio Pantagato Onofrio Panvinio
Roma Venezia Bib. Amb., ms. D. 501 Inf., fols. 69-70 Antònia Soler i Nicolau, La correspondència d'Ottavio Pantagato (1494-1567... Italian view