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Displaying 451 - 467 of 467
Document Type Author Recipient Related Date Letter Origin Letter Destination Original Location Modern Edition Language Full Entry
Letter Walter van der Steghen Benito Arias Montano
Antwerpen Roma AGS, Estado, leg. 583 Latin view
Letter Quinto Mario Corrado Paolo Manuzio
Oria Roma Quinto Mario Corrado, Epistolarum libri VIII, Venezia, 1565, fol. 220 Latin view
Letter Marcello Cervini Guglielmo Sirleto
Roma Roma BAV, Vat. Lat. 6177, fols. 127-128 view
Letter Marcello Cervini Guglielmo Sirleto
Roma Roma BAV, Vat. Lat. 6177, fols. 131-132 view
Letter Giovanni Battista Trionfo Alfonso Chacón
Roma Roma Biblioteca Communale Federiciana (Fano), ms. Amiani 81, fol. 348 Ingo Herklotz, "Alfonso Chacón e le gallerie dei ritratti nell'età... Latin view
Dedication Juan Luis Vives Adrian VI
Leuven Roma Juan Luis Vives, De Europe dissidiis et Republica ("De tumultibus Europae"), Brugge, 1526, fols. 1v-10r José Jiménez Delgado (ed.), Juan Luis Vives. Epistolario, Madrid, Editora... Latin view
Letter Juan Luis Vives Girolamo Aleandro
Leuven Roma BAV, Vat. Lat. 6199, fol. 32r George McCully, "A letter of Juan L. Vives to Jerome Aleander",... Latin view
Dedication Franciscus Cranevelt Paul III
Mechelen Roma Juan Luis Vives, De veritate fidei christianae libri quinque, Basel, 1543, fols. i-iir José Jiménez Delgado (ed.), Juan Luis Vives. Epistolario, Madrid, Editora... Latin view
Letter Federico Cesi Roberto Bellarmino
Acquasparta Roma "De caeli unitate" in Christoph Scheiner, Rosa Ursina, sive Sol, Bracciano, 1626-1630, p. 776-782 Maria Luisa Altieri Biagi - Bruno Basile (eds.), Scienziati del seicento,... Latin view
Letter Vicente Nogueira Francesco Barberini
Bologna Roma BAV, Barb. Lat. 6472, fol. 45  Italian view
Letter Vincenzo Lauro Guglielmo Sirleto
Roma BAV, Vat. Lat. 6194, fol. 67 Italian view
Letter Vincenzo Lauro Guglielmo Sirleto
Roma BAV, Vat. Lat. 6194, fol. 174 Italian view
Letter Curzio de' Franchi Guglielmo Sirleto
Napoli Roma BAV, Vat. Lat. 6194, fols. 53-54 Pio Paschini, "La riforma gregoriana del martirologio romano", La... Italian view
Letter Curzio de' Franchi Guglielmo Sirleto
Napoli Roma BAV, Vat. Lat. 6194, fols. 63-64 Pio Paschini, "La riforma gregoriana del martirologio romano", La... Italian view
Letter Napoleone Comitoli Federico Ranaldi
Roma Roma BAV, Reg. Lat. 2023, fol. 120r Italian view
Letter Niccolò Ormaneto Tolomeo Gallio
Madrid Roma ASV, Secretaria di Stato, Nunz. Spagna, vol. 7, fol. 501 Italian view
Letter Niccolò Ormaneto Tolomeo Gallio
Madrid Roma ASV, Secretaria di Stato, Nunz. Spagna, vol. 8, fol. 62 Italian view