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Displaying 631 - 637 of 637
Document Type Author Recipient Related Date Letter Origin Letter Destination Original Location Modern Edition Language Full Entry
Letter Balthasar II Moretus Lorenzo Ramírez de Prado
Antwerpen Madrid BUSal, ms. 2289, fol. 79 Latin view
Letter Franciscus Sweertius Isaac Casaubon
Antwerpen London BL, Burney 366, fol. 207r Paul Botley - Máté Vince (eds.), The Correspondence of Isaac Casaubon in... Latin view
Letter Godefridus Sterck (Amman of Antwerp) Benito Arias Montano
Antwerpen Antwerpen AGS, Estado, leg. 546, fol. 25 Spanish view
Dedication Andrés Laguna Philip II
Antwerpen Dioscorides (Andrés Laguna, trad.), Acerca de la materia medicinal y de los venenos mortiferos, Antwerpen, 1555, fols. II-IV Spanish view
Dedication Martinus Nutius Gonzalo Pérez
Antwerpen Las Trezientas d'el famosissimo poeta Juan de Mena, Antwerpen, 1552, fols. II-III Spanish view
Letter Hendrik Uwens Justus Lipsius
Antwerpen Leuven UBLeiden, ms. Lips. 4 Hugo Peeters (ed.), Iusti Lipsi Epistolae. Pars IX: 1596, Leuven, Peeters, 2019... Latin view
Letter Thomas Wilson William Cecil (Lord Burghley)
Antwerpen London Calendar of State Papers, Foreign: Elizabeth, London, 1880, vol. 11 (1575-1577... English view